1) Algeria rebels have signed peace with France, but right wing army still fighting (2) Argentina election (3) Jackie Kennedy rides elephant in India (4) Russia trying to close access to West Berlin, U.S. army sends tanks on autobahn in Germany (5) fashions (6) skating world championships (complete newsreel)
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June 12, 2007 Subject:
secret army cares
Thanks to God your Algerian Son will remain in algeria. and thanks to god the secret army is still alive here in france. too bad there is no footage about the muslism rebels mutilating kids it could show how the muslims are "malade" and thick.
Reviewer:Hakim Talbi
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April 23, 2006 Subject:
Ruue de la Viiiiktoireee"
Watch this historic clip and look how the French translate a street sign "Rue de la Victoire" to Arabic. You need to stop the clip to read it. They just write it in Arabic with the same French prononciation. It's like the name "Rue de la Victoire" can't be translated to any language. I'm going to explain more. Supose that we take the same French thinking of that time and try to translate "Rue de la Victoire" to the English language. Here how is going to looks like translated in English "Ruue de la Viiiiktoireee". This example shows you how malade are the French. Thanks to God my Algerian Son doesn't speak French.